Sunday, November 16, 2014

African personalities

Three of our orphan boys, Moses, Patrick and Dominic just graduated form four (high school) and are out to seek their fortune.  We gave them a little money and they immediately blew it all on new clothes.  They can be forgiven since they've never had money before.  We've working to get them into trade schools so they don't have to go back on the street.
With two of our newly assigned missionaries.  The one the left just arrived from Ghana and the one on the far right is from Ethiopia.

Kenyan scenes

Our truck in the shade of the quintessential African tree.

Three orphans looking to bust out.

Working with the staff and contractors

My companion with the social worker at the Rescue Center, Juliet.  They are both super excited for the construction and equipping of a therapy room for working with children who have experienced trauma. That would be most of the orphans.
With our general contractor, Leonard who did the cement floors for both dorms, the kitchen and all of the offices and classroom.  He also built the new latrine, main gate and playground.

Some orphans just won't be happy no matter what!

 She's a doll.

My goal is to get this kid to smile before we leave for home.