Monday, March 31, 2014

More fun in Kenya

With Elder and Sister Shakespeare and some of the Primary children prior to the meeting block at the Nitiri Branch.
Sister Flake pontificating at our CES in-service in Sikendhu last Saturday.  We invited 24 Seminary and Institute teachers, supervisors and Branch Presidents.  And by start time all 24 were there, in their seats and ready to learn
We picked up a returning missionary up at the Kitale bus station and took him "up country" to his home to reunite with his family.  He was apparently a very good Elder and served in the Durban South Africa mission (same as Allyson and Moema).  This is his family's home.
The Shakespeares are the Humanitarian Couple who we are assisting with the church's Food Initiative.  I told him that I was his understudy for the weekend and so found one of my shirts like his so we could display uniformity.
With the Kitale Branch President, Kwendo, his wife, grandson and "Midnight".

Monday, March 24, 2014

Relief Society birthday celebration and baptism Kenyan Style

Sister Flake with the Relief Society woman of the Kitale Branch at the Birthday Celebration.  Preparing the meal on a fire behind the chapel.
Baptisms in Kenya redefine "dumpster diving".  Wonderful, spiritual event.!
Amazing, beautiful country
My comp delivering seed to families as party of the church's Food Initiative.
Me and President Mabwa of the Mautuma Branch visiting his members.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My mother's 100th birthday!

We had our Eldoret Zone Conference today.  Eldoret is a city an hour and a half South of Kitale, where we live.  It's the district headquarters for the Eldoret District of the Church.  The photo is of our ten companionships plus the APs.  Not in the photo are the Mission President and his wife or either of the two Senior Couples.  The other couple are Member and Leadership Support and we, of course are CES.  There are nine branches in the district, four in the Eldoret area and five up in our area (Kitale).  We are responsible for all nine branches for Seminary and Institute, as well as, the Food Initiative, PEF and Temple Preparation.  We will be taking 16 people from our district to the Johannesburg Temple in June for their endowments and to be sealed as families.  Yesterday and today we were able to meet with the District President and each of the four branch presidents.

This is the Langus chapel in Eldoret where we held conference today.  The three trucks belong to us Senior Couples.  The clean white on is ours.  It's clean because we paid a branch president's son to wash it, for 500 shillings.  That's not as generous as it sounds.  It's about $5.60.

This is the Eldoret branch building.  With the completion of the one up in our area, which is currently under construction there will be three "church built" chapels in this district.  That's pretty impressive.  I won't be surprised if they create a second stake in Kenya here this year.  I really believe a temple announcement for East Africa is in the not-too-distant future.
Chillin at our hotel in Eldoret
Kenya has an abundant and beautiful variety of trees and other vegitation.

TRIBUTE TO MOM:  We have been very mindful of Mom (Carol Read Flake) today on the 100th anniversary of her birth.  Besides loving the temple she left a wonderful legacy of missionary service, having served a mission as a young woman and later as a senior missionary.  Additionally she inspired and supported her six sons on their missions.   Currently there are two Senior Couples serving and numerous young Sisters and Elders (grandchildren and even great grandchildren) on full-time missions.  Many others have previously served.  Someone needs to total the years of missionary service of her descendants.  It all began with her and Dad, and none of it would have occured if not for their faith and example.  Although many of us in the missionfield will not be able to attend the temple this week in her honor, it is my hope that our service will honor her sterling legacy and be a fitting tribute to her.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Sorry about all the recent photos but everything excites us - it's all too much fun.  Today we drove to the furthest branch of our District, Misikhu and took the branch president and seminary supervisor with us to visit Seminary/Institute teachers in their branch.  This is at the construction site for a new chapel for the strongest branch in this area.

The teacher here is the man between us.  That is his wife and two sons.  The Branch President is kneeling.  The couple and their two sons are some of the 16 members we will be taking to the South Africa temple in June to receive their endowments.  He is a pioneer in the area and says that when the chapel is completed in September his work will be done and he can die in peace.
Sister Flake with Elizabeth, one of her Seminary/Institute teachers, at the hospital where we were visiting her husband.
At the new chapel with the Branch President (an amazing man who will likely be the first Stake President here) and seminary supervisor who was the previous BP.
The new font, hopefully they'll change the water.
The current chapel.  JK

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Our Kenya environment

 Our Nairtiri Elder's apartment.  It was the best of them as we visited all four places that day.
 A pretty typical rural home
 The brick for the homes are fired in these makeshift kilns.  Notice the sugarcane in the background
 Our humble abode.
In our compound. A little like paradise.
One of our chapels - in Naitiri.  It needs a little work on the picket fence and some trash collection.
There is an enormous discrepancy between our place, and the Elder's lodging and these chapels.  I guess that is why the Elders enjoy coming to our house.  We are certainly glad to welcome them, they never complain.  When we came back by the church after having dropped them off 30 minutes earlier, they were already picking up the trash around the church because we suggested they have a branch service project to clean it up. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

 With the Mautuma Branch President (untucked shirt) and his counselor at their chapel on Tuesday.  Great men!!
 Jana feeding the Zone at our home before Zone Meeting on Tuesday.
 That's not a dumpster.  That's a standard baptismal fount for small branches in Kenya.
With one of our companionship.  These are outstanding Elders.  We drove them 2 hrs. home after Zone Meeting.